101 Address Avenue,Newport Beach

Children’s Mental Health

Services Provided:

• Case Management
• Crisis Intervention
• Family Partner Support
• Individual Counseling Services
• Individual and Group Skills Training (coping skills, anger management, etc.)
• Physician Services (Psychiatrist) with medication consultations

Youth Warning Signs & When to Ask For Support:
• Sadness that occurs for two or more weeks; frequent crying spells
• Withdrawing from activities they used to enjoy or avoiding social interactions
• Hurting oneself or talking about hurting oneself (cutting, burning, etc.)
• Talking about death or suicide  
• Experiencing panic attacks; often talks about fears or worries
• Anger outbursts or extreme irritability
• In constant motion and cannot sit quietly
• Fear of gaining weight, or diet or exercising excessively
• Difficulty sleeping (sleeping too much or too little; frequent nightmares) or low energy
• Frequent headaches or stomachaches
• Difficulty with concentration; easily distracted
• Changes in academic performance (grades dropping, decline in participation)
• Truancy or making excuses not to attend school

For parents or caregivers:
• Learn about the diagnosis
• We offer a parent program (Nurturing Parenting) that can help build
your relationship with your child
• Seek ways to have fun with your child
• Praise your child’s strengths and abilities 
• A Family Partner is available for assistance with resources and
input on what it’s like to have a child with a diagnosis

Additional Support for Children & Teens
•The phone number for the trusted friend
• The non-emergency number for the local police department
• Camino Real Crisis Hotline: 1-800-543-5750
• The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
• 911 for immediate help